Friday, September 26, 2014

The Modern Gadfly

I believe that the question we are not asking the right question in my opinion we should ask who isn't a gadfly. In today's world we have been taught to spread our ideas and to become unique individuals that stride to be successful. However this way of life was not how it was throughout our entire history.

In history we see that many people that tried sharing their ideas and demanding change in the world was brutally punished or killed. One of many famous and well known people that had this misfortune was Socrates. His speeches and the spread of his anti-democratic views led to his death by being sentenced to drink poison. This shows that many people tried to avoiding spreading their own ideas in order to avoid death by a higher power.

However in present times at least in where we live now we have laws protecting our freedom of speech and spreading in what we believe in. We are not only allowed to spread but we are encouraged to spread our ideas with others be unique. I don't see it as annoying maybe as a gadfly, but many peoples ideas I just don't want to hear because I have my own and even though some may slightly change and morph my ideas most are just repeated and have no affect on me.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Is the unexamined life worth living?

In my opinion this statement is completely true, in order to understand and realize whats the point of life you need to compare it to others. The only way that we can say whether our life is good or bad is if we compare but there is no one that can tell you if your life is good or bad. In order to make your life meaningful you need to be curious. You need to ask questions and in order to be meaningful. This definition means that everyone that has invented something new and discovered new things technically means that they have completed their goals and that their life has a meaning, It seems kind of weird because that means that most of peoples lives are meaningless and that there life was wasted.